AZELO message reaches millions
the cooperation of KPNX Channel 12 in Phoenix, essential information
about medical aid in dying (MAID) was delivered to an
estimated three million Arizona households earlier this week.
Under the guidance of Chief Anchor
Mark Curtis, Arizonans were able to tune in to two back-to-back evening
news segments focused on the final weeks and peaceful
passing of a woman from Washington, where aid in dying has been
legal since 2008. Tempra Jones, the subject of Curtis'
interviews was battling terminal cancer and chose MAID to end her
life because "I'm not going to let cancer dictate when I die." In
addition to the two broadcast segments on Feb. 10 and 11, Curtis also
hosted a Feb. 11 panel discussion that included both "pro" and
"con" points of view. Serving on the panel in support of MAID were Dr.
Tom Fitch, MD, and Dr Dwight Moore, PhD. Representing the "con"
side of the discussion was Dr. Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser, MD. Cathi
Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy also was scheduled to
take part, but unexpectedly cancelled her appearance.
The panel discussion was
live-streamed on Facebook and is still available for viewing on your
computer. It's not necessary to have a Facebook account or password
to view the program. Simply click this link If you have difficulty viewing the program on your computer, please contact Stu Burge at